Ice Lights

Intimate lighting for intimate places; the ice melts and the light ‘becomes’ off. {watch video}

Started on 01/09/2001

The Ice Lights developed from experimental research into enabling people to conceive of the purpose of a system with minimum explanation then explore, learn and adapt it for themselves.

Exploration into notions of entropy, variability and environment were introduced. Additionally, we were also interested in the qualitative experience and transient properties of ice as a material.

The inactive components of the Ice Light system are arranged in a purposefully designed rubber tray; they are then covered with water and frozen. An activating component is frozen in a second block of ice. When light is required, the two pieces are fused together to form a complete system and the light is active. As the ice melts, the components fall apart and the light becomes inactive. The process can then be reinitiated.

The ice acts as an analogy for candle wax, although it is not a fuel one can see how much ice is left un-melted and estimate the amount of time that the structure will remain active. By placing the ice light in different locations the user will build a perception of activation times; by the window may light twice as long as by the bed.

The Ice Lights illustrate the narrative between the states of active and inactive. This narrative relies upon the relationship between the entropic processes of the product and its placement within an environment. The personal act of placement provides points of reference within this lucid interface. The act of placement is an engaging process; the story told by the placement of intimate, controlled lighting again references nuances of the candle.